Are We Becoming a PC Generation?

What is "PC" you may be asking yourself. It stands for politically correct or political correctness.  Quite often you will hear insults like "snowflakes", "butthurt", "libtards" etc to those who points out that such way of wording or expression might be offesnsive to a person or group. On the otherhand some feel that what others might think is uptight is actualy just the fact that lanuages evolves, and what was considred not offensive does have the potential of being changed or looked at in a different way it's fine to adapt to that. However some feel that in the PC department it has gotten out of control to the point when the majority does not know where to draw the line?

On the side of those who are conscious of what they say may feel that those who don't bridle their tongue are just being inconsidereate and need to take responsiblilty for the hurtful things they might say. But again the lines of what is ok and not isn't that straightforward all the time. In most cases people feel they can't say anything any more and feel people are just finding stuff to be offended by.

Culture is constantly shifting but political correctness at times can be too sensitive. When you have example of people policing each other's lanuage to the point of forsaking our entitlted right of the first amendment . however who's fault is it really?

If we live in a world  where every word is a ticking bomb isn't necessarily the worlds fault. Shouldn't those who are saying the offensive things be at fault? If you think about such for people to cling to hurful phrases says a lot about them. It necessarily isn't that they are saying the word or expression because they have that right to think whatever they want but once you express your words just be expected to get thr repricussions from your actions.


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