Course Reflection

As I’m a little more than a month out from the semester’s end, I’ve been reflecting on different aspects of the semester: things that worked well, things that didn’t work at all, and things that could be tweaked for the future. In particular, I’ve been musing on how I integrated all the softwares I used up to this point. By creating website,  making digital art and doing some photograph and other likes of it.But as I reflect, here is what I think I’ve most learned from a semester of this class is that be ready for problems that you may encounter when taking on a task or project. I've learned to be patient and try to solve each problem I may have. I can't count the many times I've had technical difficulties and lose patience because I assume everything is going to be easy. I've learned to take on the challenge and do all I can to take care of the problem. I think I'm the end this class was worth it and I'm glad I challenge myself.


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